Mackay Tourism Ltd. (MTL) is the peak tourism organisation for the Mackay and Isaac regions. As a not-for-profit, membership-based, marketing and destination development organisation, we promote the Mackay and Isaac regions for both leisure and business to Australia and the world. We also run the accredited and non accredited Mackay Regional Visitor Information Centres.

The day to day management of Mackay Tourism is conducted by a specialised executive team with key responsibilities

MTL Staff Members

Interim Chief Executive Officer
 Jeff Stewart-Harris PSM
0423 298 180
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Experienced CEO with a demonstrated history of working in the leisure, travel & tourism industry. Skilled in Nonprofit Organisations, Marketing Management, Business Planning, Event Planning, Tourism Development and Customer Service.


Corporate Services Manager

Tamara Griffiths
0438 261 830
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This role is to assist in oversseing the smooth running and management of the organisation incluiding all finance, & procurement matters, HR and MTL Borard goverance matters


Communications & Marketing Officer
Sam Taher
0448 994 180
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This role is to create exciting content for a variety of platforms to showcase The Mackay Isaac Region as a great holiday destination. Responsibilities include managing social media channels, creating and proofing content for publications, websites, videos, blogs, newsletters and media releases. Managing media liaisons, public relations, famil hosting and events are also part of the role. 


Visitor Information Centre Manager
Nadine Lorenz
0499 708 170
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This role ensures the smooth operation of our accredited visitor information centres in Mackay and Sarina. Overseeing our team of volunteers and Visitor Information Officers. It also focuses on bookings through the VIC's and packaging and bundling.


Visitor Information Centre

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Sophie Downer & Seba Kaigey
(07) 4837 1277
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The Visitor Information Centre Booking Agents will help sell and promote your product to visitors at the Mackay Visitor Information Centres while providing exceptional service, free advice and information to our customers.

Volunteer Ambassadors 
Our Visitor Information Centre is able to run due to a number of dedicated volunteers Mackay Region ambassadors that devote their time to helping provide visitors with information and the day-to-day running of the centre.  


MTL Directors of the Board


Acting Chair and Finance, Governance and Risk Committee Chair
Rob Cocco


Nic Willis
Nic Willis Consulting


Rob Kidd
4MK Radio Network


Allen Grundy


Charlie Bone

Rainee Shepperson

Cr. Viv Coleman
Isaac Regional Council

Cr. Belinda Hassan
Mackay Regional Council



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