Regional Events Receive Funding Boost

In a significant boost to the local tourism industry, five Mackay Region events have been awarded funding as part of Tourism and Event Queensland’s Queensland Destination Events Program – Round 14.

Successful funding applications were made by Mackay Festival of Arts 2020, River Sessions 2020, St Lawrence Wetlands Weekend, Field Engineers Mackay Cup and Mackay Marina Run.

These five events will share in $140,000 in funding to be used for event marketing, strategic plan development, engagement of short-term specialised personnel and hiring of temporary infrastructure.

Mackay Tourism Chief Executive Officer Tas Webber welcomed the news.

“Events have been identified as key hero experiences for attracting tourism and generating overnight visitor expenditure to The Mackay Region,” he said.

Mr Webber continued, “The Mackay Isaac Destination Tourism Plan recognised Tourism and Event Queensland’s Queensland Destination Events Program as a target for growing the profile and capability of events in The Mackay Region. It’s very pleasing therefore, for five Mackay Region events to be successful.”

Mackay Regional Council Deputy Mayor Cr. Amanda Camm said funding from TEQ would greatly assist in developing events throughout The Mackay Region.

“Mackay Regional Council has committed to developing Mackay as a premier regional events centre,” said Cr Camm.

“The recently released Mackay Region Events Strategy 2020-2025 has a vision for Mackay to be recognised as a leading regional events destination through the setting of strategic frameworks and action plans,” she said.

“The funding announced today from TEQ will enable these local events to continue to grow and position themselves as leading sources for visitation to the Mackay Region.”

Queensland Destination Events Program - Round 15 funding is currently taking applications, to apply or for more information visit -




Daniel Brown - Communications Officer

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Published: 20 November 2019 

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